Can you tell me more about how do you host your server? Do you use game server hosting or are you hosting on your own computer/dedicated server? Windows or Linux then, I’m guessing Windows or Windows Server from the picture you sent.
If your Unturned server is on Windows, then you need to install MySQL on the same computer. MySQL has a user friendly installer that you can download from here:
- When you download it, run the installer and remember the password you have entered for the root user.
- Then install HeidiSQL as I show on this video at 11th minute (11:00)
- Once you have installed the HeidiSQL, use the password for the root user that you have set during installation process of MySQL. The hostname, user and port should be set to the same values as on this picture:

- Once you connect, you need to create a new database. You can do it by right clicking on the left sidebar on the name of your connection, in my cast Localhost, then selecting Create new > Database

- Then the window should pop up where you must enter the name and collation of the database. For the name set it to
and collation use server default (server default is displayed under the input, in my case utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

- Once you create this database, go back to ChallengeRewards plugin configuration. In the connection string then replace
with the same root password you used in the installer and HeidiSQL.
- Restart the server and everything should work 😃 If not please send the error you’re getting in the console when loading the plugin.
I know it seems crazy complicated for getting one plugin to work, but there are lots of Unturned plugins that actually require MySQL to work and can’t work without them (ZaupShop, Uconomy, Moderation etc.)
If you have any problems with any of the steps, feel free to ask me here or we can get in a call and I can guide you through while you’ll be sharing your screen. Good luck.