2 x 2 (4)
Inventory Size
This item doesn't have any blueprints
This item is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID 6a8f2cae2ae84494b00b1e726c4e5b53
Type Cloud
Useable Cloud
Rarity Rare
ID 27419
Size_X 2
Size_Y 2
Size_Z 0.42
Use_Auto_Icon_Measurements False
Instantiated_Item_Name_Override Audio_Tape
Gravity 1
InspectAudioDef Sounds/Items/Audio_Tapes/Audio_Tape_09.asset
EquipablePrefab Items/Misc/Audio_Tape_00/Item_Equip.prefab