Everything you need to run and manage your Unturned server - plugins, documentation, and guides.
Improve handling to when Advanced Economy failes to load, then UconomyToAdvancedEconomy is unloaded too.
Small improvements to handling when Uconomy is not loaded on the server then unload UconomyBalanceUI
Ensure all UCS bans are permanent
Ensure OnBalanceUpdate is calling game methods on main thread
Restore the sell doors and buildings linked to it when they don't exist after server restart. This will allow to wipe the server, but keep the apartments and houses
Add MaxBuildingsPerLocation feature, which allows restricting players from building inside the loot locations in the area where zombies can walk and spawn
first release
Add project files.
Fix animals set at custom spawn points not respawning
Add prioritized search for items/vehicles (exact match → starts with → contains) with ID-based sorting in name-based lookups.
add ShowCombinedDeaths configuration option
Get your Unturned server featured through YouTube videos, live streams, or pre-roll advertisements to reach thousands of potential players.