Everything you need to run and manage your Unturned server - plugins, documentation, and guides.
add SeparateCooldownKits
add server name to footer and allow console to report players
Fix null reference error when iconUrl is not set
Fix permissions not load immediately after restart
Fix infinite kits bug IMPORTANT UPDATE!
Optimize generating new missions to solve timeout error when generating new missions while many players are online
Add variables and messages shuffle option
Fix SyncExperience feature OverflowException
Fix null reference error when building barricade or structures and add rich text and MessageIconUrl option to configuration
Fix players being revoked reward sometimes even though they didn't leave the group
Make tool cupboard protect only owner's and his group base without other players building in range of it
update readme and add comment to configuration
Add IncludeParentGroups option and automatically append # to hex colors
Get your Unturned server featured through YouTube videos, live streams, or pre-roll advertisements to reach thousands of potential players.