Rich Message Announcer
Message announcer, text and web commands with rich text options and icons.
- Automatic message announcements (with shuffle option)
- Text commands
- Web commands
- Welcome message
- Join link
- Rich text and variables support
- /commands - Display a list of commands the player has permission for
- player's display name{player_id}
- player's steam id{server_name}
- server name (Commands.dat){server_players}
- number of players online{server_maxplayers}
- maximum number of players (Commands.dat){server_map}
- the map server is running (Commands.dat){server_mode}
- the server mode PVP or PVE (Commands.dat){server_thumbnail}
- the value ofBrowser.Thumbnail
- the value ofBrowser.Icon
Rich Text
- Bold -
- Italic -
- Underline -
- Strikethrough -
- Color -
- Size -
- Line Break -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RichMessageAnnouncerConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Message Text="You are playing on {b}{server_name}{/b}." IconUrl="{server_icon}" Color="white" />
<Message Text="Use {color=#3498db}/commands{/color} to see available commands!" IconUrl="{server_icon}" Color="white" />
<Message Text="{size=15}Tip: You can customize these messages in the config.{/size}" IconUrl="{server_icon}" Color="white" />
<Message Text="Format examples: {b}Bold{/b}, {color=#e74c3c}Color{/color}, {size=20}Size{/size}" IconUrl="{server_icon}" Color="white" />
<Message>Server Rules:{br}1. {color=#e74c3c}Be respectful{/color}{br}2. {color=#2ecc71}No cheating{/color}{br}3. {color=#f1c40f}Have fun!{/color}</Message>
<Description>Platform for Unturned server owners, players and developers.</Description>
<WelcomeMessage Text="{size=18}Welcome to the server {b}{player_name}{/b}!" IconUrl="{server_icon}" Color="white" />
<JoinLinkMessage>Platform for Unturned server owners, players and developers.</JoinLinkMessage>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Translation Id="Commands" Value="[[b]]Your commands:[[/b]] {0}" />