Learn the story of Yukon, Unturned's hardest official map, and find out where all the loot spawns. 🎮 List of our vanilla servers: https://restoremonarchy.com/unturnedservers 📢 Need help? 🌐 Forum: https://restoremonarchy.com/forum/ | 🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/KZv8VSKQqQ
👑 More from RestoreMonarchy: 🔗 Website: https://restoremonarchy.com 📖 Blog: https://restoremonarchy.com/blog 📄 Documentation: https://restoremonarchy.com/docs 🔌 Unturned Plugins: https://restoremonarchy.com/plugins
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📺 Ad-free version: https://restoremonarchy.com/videos/uw8gb 🎵 Music by staswalle https://youtu.be/vGs_NKRWwNg?t=356&si=r1cfAJJvy5a2QsVB 🎥 Created by MCrow
1:18 - Yukon in real-life 1:36 - Guns and facts about Yukon 2:15 - Comparison with PEI 2:45 - Civilian Loot 2:54 - Medic Loot 3:00 - Police Loot 3:15 - Construction Loot 3:24 - Camp Loot 3:35 - Research (Biohazard) Loot 3:46 - Special (Deadzone) Loot 4:03 - RCMP Loot 4:12 - Gas (Gas Station) Loot 4:27 - Map with marked locations 4:38 - Yukon Animals 4:58 - Yukon Vehicles 5:20 - Summary