2 x 2 (4)
Inventory Size
25 (5 x 5)
Storage Size
Explosion Armor
Movement Speed
This item is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID 28dc34e40e6e4760ab711b8b09fd025a
Type Vest
Rarity Legendary
Useable Clothing
ID 36624
Size_X 2
Size_Y 2
Width 5
Height 5
Armor 0.65
Armor_Explosion 0.45
Movement_Speed_Multiplier 0.98
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 36624
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID 36624
Blueprint_0_Output_0_Amount 3
Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount 4
Blueprints 4
Blueprint_0_Type Apparel
Blueprint_0_Build 27
Blueprint_0_Outputs 2
Blueprint_0_Output_0_ID 36011
Blueprint_0_Output_1_ID 36155
Blueprint_0_Output_1_Amount 2
Blueprint_0_Conditions 1
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Type Flag_Short
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_ID 36013
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Value 0
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Logic Equal
Blueprint_1_Type Apparel
Blueprint_1_Build 27
Blueprint_1_Outputs 2
Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID 36011
Blueprint_1_Output_1_ID 36155
Blueprint_1_Output_1_Amount 2
Blueprint_1_Conditions 1
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Type Flag_Short
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_ID 36013
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Value 1
Blueprint_1_Condition_0_Logic Equal
Blueprint_2_Type Repair
Blueprint_2_Supplies 1
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_ID 36011
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_Amount 2
Blueprint_2_Build 32
Blueprint_3_Type Apparel
Blueprint_3_Supplies 4
Blueprint_3_Supply_0_ID 36162
Blueprint_3_Supply_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_3_Supply_1_ID 36163
Blueprint_3_Supply_1_Amount 1
Blueprint_3_Supply_2_ID 36284
Blueprint_3_Supply_2_Amount 2
Blueprint_3_Supply_3_ID 36605
Blueprint_3_Supply_3_Amount 1
Blueprint_3_Build 32
Blueprint_3_Level 3
Blueprint_3_Skill Craft