1 x 1 (1)
Inventory Size
Id | File Name |
25358 | Buak_Briefcase.dat |
25321 | Buak_Cushins.dat |
25374 | Buak_Dumpster.dat |
25359 | Buak_Lockers.dat |
25471 | Buak_Mega_Mansion.dat |
25453 | Buak_Register.dat |
GUID d6bfcecd3ec34c34b994e993fe0cf8c2
Type Supply
Rarity Common
ID 25324
Use_Auto_Icon_Measurements False
Size_X 1
Size_Y 1
Size_Z 0.28
Actions 2
Action_0_Type Blueprint
Action_0_Blueprints 1
Action_0_Blueprint_0_Index 0
Action_0_Text ▲ Stack 100
Action_0_Tooltip Stack to 100.
Action_1_Type Blueprint
Action_1_Blueprints 1
Action_1_Blueprint_0_Index 1
Action_1_Text ▼ Unstack
Action_1_Tooltip Unstack to 10 tabs.
Blueprints 2
Blueprint_0_Type Supply
Blueprint_0_Supplies 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 25324
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount 10
Blueprint_0_Outputs 1
Blueprint_0_Output_0_ID 25339
Blueprint_0_Output_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Build 25523
Blueprint_1_Type Supply
Blueprint_1_Supplies 1
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID 25324
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_1_Outputs 1
Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID 25320
Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount 10
Blueprint_1_Build 25522