5 x 1 (5)
Inventory Size
Hand Slot
Semi, Safety
10.42 RPS
Durability Loss per Shot
Movement Speed
-13.2 to 10.95 (35%)
Recoil X
22.95 to 30 (35%)
Recoil Y
Combat Damage
Head | Spine | Leg | Arm | |
Player | 48 | 42 | 35 | 35 |
Zombie | 63 | 55 | 46 | 46 |
Animal | 48 | 42 | 35 | - |
Structure Damage
Low Caliber
Damage | |
Barricade | 20 |
Structure | 15 |
Vehicle | 35 |
Resource | 19 |
Object | 67 |
This item is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID 62cc34ec5c974f96854c8b7df25b55cc
Type Gun
Rarity Epic
Useable Gun
Slot Primary
ID 35848
Size_X 5
Size_Y 1
Size_Z 0.35
Size2_Z 0.45
Equipable_Movement_Speed_Multiplier 1
Aiming_Recoil_Multiplier 1
Aim_In_Duration 0.2
Aiming_Movement_Speed_Multiplier 0.75
Magazine 35846
Ammo_Min 3
Ammo_Max 4
Attachment_Calibers 5
Attachment_Caliber_0 35000
Attachment_Caliber_1 35005
Attachment_Caliber_2 35006
Attachment_Caliber_3 35070
Attachment_Caliber_4 35080
Magazine_Calibers 1
Magazine_Caliber_0 35080
Requires_NonZero_Attachment_Caliber true
Range 70
Ballistic_Drop 0.003
Damage_Falloff_Range 0
Damage_Falloff_Multiplier 0.4
Firerate 4
Action Bolt
Player_Damage 42
Player_Leg_Multiplier 0.85
Player_Arm_Multiplier 0.85
Player_Spine_Multiplier 1
Player_Skull_Multiplier 1.15
Zombie_Damage 55
Zombie_Leg_Multiplier 0.85
Zombie_Arm_Multiplier 0.85
Zombie_Spine_Multiplier 1
Zombie_Skull_Multiplier 1.15
Animal_Damage 42
Animal_Leg_Multiplier 0.85
Animal_Spine_Multiplier 1
Animal_Skull_Multiplier 1.15
Barricade_Damage 20
Structure_Damage 15
Vehicle_Damage 35
Resource_Damage 19
Object_Damage 67
Durability 0.12
Spread_Aim 1
Spread_Hip 0.038
Spread_Prone 1
Spread_Crouch 1
Recoil_Min_X -13.2
Recoil_Max_X 10.95
Recoil_Min_Y 22.95
Recoil_Max_Y 30
Recover_X 0.35
Recover_Y 0.35
Shake_Min_X -0.0012
Shake_Max_X 0.0012
Shake_Min_Y -0.008
Shake_Max_Y -0.01
Shake_Min_Z -0.009
Shake_Max_Z -0.01
Muzzle 35004
Shell 35017
Blueprints 3
Blueprint_0_Type Repair
Blueprint_0_Supplies 2
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 36177
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount 2
Blueprint_0_Supply_1_ID 38084
Blueprint_0_Supply_1_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Tool 38090
Blueprint_0_Build 27
Blueprint_1_Type Tool
Blueprint_1_Supplies 2
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID 36177
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_Amount 8
Blueprint_1_Supply_1_ID 38085
Blueprint_1_Supply_1_Amount 5
Blueprint_1_Tool 38076
Blueprint_1_Build 27
Blueprint_2_Type Tool
Blueprint_2_Supplies 1
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_ID 35848
Blueprint_2_Outputs 2
Blueprint_2_Output_0_ID 36177
Blueprint_2_Output_0_Amount 2
Blueprint_2_Output_1_ID 38085
Blueprint_2_Output_1_Amount 1
Blueprint_2_Tool 35057
Blueprint_2_Build 27