Learn everything about the Unturned blimp including stats, features, and how to master flying this unique vehicle. 🎈 Blimp: https://restoremonarchy.com/players/browser/vanilla/vehicle/blimp/eaa0ccbc561d4a68a58c2dadad3d51f7 🎮 Vanilla Servers: https://restoremonarchy.com/players/our-servers 🔎 Unturned Browser: https://restoremonarchy.com/players/browser
📢 Need help? 🌐 Forum: https://restoremonarchy.com/forum/ 🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/KZv8VSKQqQ
👑 More from RestoreMonarchy: 🔗 Website: https://restoremonarchy.com 🔌 Unturned Plugins: https://restoremonarchy.com/servers/plugins
🧰 Other useful links: ✍️ UEdit: https://uedit.co/ 🎒 FPlugins: https://fplugins.com/
📺 Ad-free version: https://restoremonarchy.com/videos/ 🎥 Created by LiamDoesGame
00:00 - Intro 00:11 - Stats 00:32 - Advantages 00:53 - Disadvantages 01:15 - Spawn Locations 01:25 - Flying Tutorial 02:15 - Review 02:43 - Outro