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Drop Boxes

Custom loot boxes, which drop from various events with different probabilities.


  • Configure custom loot boxes via configuration
  • Saves data in MySQL so it can be shared across servers
  • Boxes drop with a different probability (1-1000) from different events e.g. zombie kill or resource found
  • Box can drop one item, picked based on probability (1-1000)
  • To use rich text in translations replace < & > to {{ & }} example: <color=red> will be {{color=red}}


  • /boxes – Shows a list of your boxes
  • /unbox <boxID> – Opens a box with specified boxID
  • /givebox <player> <boxID> – Gives a box with specified boxID to player


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DropBoxesConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <DropBox BoxId="epic" Name="Epic Chest" Color="#FFC0CB">
        <DropBoxReward ItemId="363" Chance="30" />
        <DropBoxReward ItemId="254" Chance="50" />
        <DropBoxReward ItemId="17" Chance="80" />
        <DropBoxReward ItemId="519" Chance="20" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Translation Id="Box_Unbox" Value="You received {0} from {1}!" />
  <Translation Id="Box_Found" Value="You got {0}!" />
  <Translation Id="Box_None" Value="You don't have any {0}" />
  <Translation Id="Box_NotFound" Value="Failed to find any box with id {0}" />
  <Translation Id="GiveBox_Success" Value="Successfully gave {0} a {1}!" />
  <Translation Id="GiveBox_Fail" Value="Use /givebox &lt;player&gt; &lt;boxID&gt;" />
  <Translation Id="Unbox_Fail" Value="Use: /unbox &lt;boxID&gt;" />
  <Translation Id="Boxes_List" Value="Your boxes:" />
  <Translation Id="Boxes_None" Value="You don't have any box" />
  <Translation Id="Box_Unbox_NoItemExist" Value="The item ({0}) you opened from the {1} box does not exist on the server!" />