

Moderation plugin with features like bans, kicks, warns & more.


  • /ban <player> [reason] [duration] – Bans specified player for duration with reason.
  • /unban <player> – Removes specified player latest ban.
  • /bans [player] – Displays a list of all or player bans.
  • /kick <player> [reason] – Kicks specified player for reason.
  • /warn <player> [reason] – Warns specified player for reason.
  • /checkowner – Check's the owner of barricade/structure/locked vehicle.
  • /playerinfo <player> – Displays player name, country and bans, kicks, warns count.
  • /glitch – Teleports you to suspected glitch barricade or structure.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ModerationConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <DiscordWebhook WebhookType="Ban" WebhookUrl="" WebhookColor="ff0000" Inline="false">
        <MessageFormat>Name: {name}, SteamID: {steamid}, Punisher: {punisher}, Duration: {duration}, Reason: {reason}</MessageFormat>
      <DiscordWebhook WebhookType="Kick" WebhookUrl="" WebhookColor="f06c00" Inline="false">
        <MessageFormat>Name: {name}, SteamID: {steamid}, Punisher: {punisher}, Reason: {reason}</MessageFormat>
      <DiscordWebhook WebhookType="Warn" WebhookUrl="" WebhookColor="ffff00" Inline="false">
        <MessageFormat>Name: {name}, SteamID: {steamid}, Punisher: {punisher}, Reason: {reason}</MessageFormat>
      <DiscordWebhook WebhookType="Unban" WebhookUrl="" WebhookColor="00ff33" Inline="false">
        <MessageFormat>Name: {name}, SteamID: {steamid}, Unbanner: {punisher}</MessageFormat>
      <DiscordWebhook WebhookType="Spy" WebhookUrl="" WebhookColor="00ff33" Inline="false">
        <MessageFormat>{punisher} spied {name} [{steamid}] on {servername}!</MessageFormat>
      <CooldownKey Key="spy" Cooldown="10" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Translation Id="BanBroadcast" Value="{0} was banned by {1} for {2} for {3}!" />
  <Translation Id="BanMessage" Value="[BAN] Reason: {0} Time Left: {1}" />
  <Translation Id="BansLimit" Value="You can't view the list of all bans in-game, specify player or use console" />
  <Translation Id="BansLine" Value="BanID: {0} SteamName: {1} SteamID: {2} PunisherName: {3} PunisherId: {4}" />
  <Translation Id="BansNone" Value="There is no bans" />
  <Translation Id="UnbanBroadcast" Value="{0} was unbanned!" />
  <Translation Id="UnbanExpired" Value="{0} ban expired!" />
  <Translation Id="UnbanFail" Value="{0} doesn't have any active ban." />
  <Translation Id="KickAnnouncement" Value="{0} was kicked by {1} for {2}" />
  <Translation Id="WarnAnnouncement" Value="{0} was warned by {1} for {2}" />
  <Translation Id="CheckownerFail" Value="You are not looking at any barricade, structure or locked vehicle." />
  <Translation Id="CheckownerOwnerName" Value="The owner of this {0} is {1} (banned: {2})" />
  <Translation Id="CheckownerOwnerSteamId" Value="Steam ID: {0}" />
  <Translation Id="CheckownerLastActive" Value="{0} was last active on {1}" />
  <Translation Id="RequireReason" Value="You must specify a reason!" />
  <Translation Id="PlayerInfoMessage" Value="{0} from {1} has {2} bans, {3} kicks &amp; {4} warns" />
  <Translation Id="NoGlitches" Value="Could not find any suspected glitch object on the map." />
  <Translation Id="GlitchMessage" Value="You have been teleported to suspected glitch object!" />
  <Translation Id="Permanent" Value="permanent" />
  <Translation Id="PlayerNotFound" Value="Player not found!" />
  <Translation Id="KickInvalid" Value="You must specify target player!" />
  <Translation Id="WarnInvalid" Value="You must specify target player!" />
  <Translation Id="BanInvalid" Value="Ban format: /ban &lt;player&gt; [reason] [duration]" />
  <Translation Id="UnbanNotBanned" Value="{0} doesnt have any active bans!" />
  <Translation Id="UnbanInvalid" Value="You must specify player steamID!" />
  <Translation Id="PlayerInfoInvalid" Value="You must specify target player!" />
  <Translation Id="HWIDBanDisabled" Value="HWID bans are disabled" />
  <Translation Id="IPBanDisabled" Value="IP bans are disabled" />
  <Translation Id="ReasonUnspecified" Value="Unspecified" />
  <Translation Id="SpyNoPermission" Value="You don't have permission to spy" />
  <Translation Id="SpyFail" Value="Spy format: /spy &lt;player&gt;" />
  <Translation Id="SpySuccess" Value="Successfully spied {0}!" />
  <Translation Id="SpyCooldown" Value="You have to wait {0} before you can spy again" />