
MySQL Vault

Virtual storage for players, which can be shared across servers.


  • /vault [name] - Opens the vault
  • /vaults - Shows a list of your vaults
  • /trash - Opens the trash
  • /fixvault <player> - Removes modded items that are no longer installed on the server from player's vaults


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MySQLVaultConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <ConnectionString>Server=;Database=unturned;User Id=root;Password=password;</ConnectionString>
    <Vault Name="default" Width="3" Height="4" />
    <Vault Name="vip" Width="5" Height="6" />
    <Vault Name="star" Width="7" Height="8" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Translation Id="VaultNotFound" Value="Vault not found" />
  <Translation Id="VaultNoPermission" Value="You don't have permissions to open this vault" />
  <Translation Id="VaultTryAgain" Value="Please try again in few seconds" />
  <Translation Id="VaultsList" Value="Your vaults: {0}" />
  <Translation Id="VaultsNone" Value="You don't have access to any vault" />
  <Translation Id="VaultInVehicle" Value="You cannot open vault while you are in vehicle!" />
  <Translation Id="FixVaultSuccess" Value="Successfully removed {0} invalid items from your vaults!" />