
Player Stats

Player PVP and PVE stats with ranking, rewards and UI.


  • Stores player stats in a JSON file or MySQL database
  • Displays player stats, playtime, ranking, and session stats using commands
  • Supports PVP (Kills) and PVE (Zombie Kills) ranking
  • Permission group rewards for reaching a certain number of kills
  • Automatic migration from Arechi PlayerStats plugin
  • UI for PVP/PVE stats

PVP Stats: Kills, Deaths, KDR, HS%
PVE Stats: Zombies, Mega Zombies, Animals, Resources, Harvests, Fish

<StatsMode>Both</StatsMode> configuration options:

  • Both - The /stats command will display both PVP and PVE stats, but the ranking, rewards and UI will be based on PVP stats
  • PVP - The /stats command will display only PVP stats, and the ranking, rewards and UI will be based on PVP stats
  • PVE - The /stats command will display only PVE stats, and the ranking, rewards and UI will be based on PVE stats


UI made by 💪 Soer (Unbeaten). He also sponsored the creation of this plugin 💸.

Workshop (optional)

The UI is optional and only for PVP stats. You can use the following workshop item to display the stats in-game.
Player Stats UI - 3352126593

Remember to set <EnableUIEffect>true</EnableUIEffect> to true in the configuration file to enable the UI.


  • /playtime [player] - Displays your or other player's playtime
  • /stats [player] - Displays your or other player's stats
  • /rank [player] - Displays your or other player's ranking
  • /sstats [player] - Displays your or other player's session stats (since they joined)
  • /splaytime [player] - Displays your or other player's session playtime (since they joined)
  • /ranking - Displays the top players ranking
  • /statsui - Toggles the stats UI


<Permission Cooldown="0">playtime</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">stats</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">rank</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">sstats</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">splaytime</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">ranking</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">statsui</Permission>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PlayerStatsConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <Reward Name="VIP Rank" Treshold="50" PermissionGroup="vip" />
    <Reward Name="MVP Rank" Treshold="125" PermissionGroup="mvp" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <Translation Id="StatsCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
  <Translation Id="PlayerStatsNotLoaded" Value="Player stats are not loaded for [[b]]{0}.[[/b]] Please try again later." />
  <Translation Id="PlayerNotFound" Value="Player [[b]]{0}[[/b]] not found." />
  <Translation Id="YourPVPStats" Value="[[b]]Your[[/b]] PVP stats | Kills: [[b]]{0}[[/b]], Deaths: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], KDR: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], HS%: [[b]]{3}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="YourPVEStats" Value="[[b]]Your[[/b]] PVE stats | Zombies: [[b]]{0}[[/b]], Mega Zombies: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Animals: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], Resources: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], Harvests: [[b]]{4}[[/b]], Fish: [[b]]{5}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="OtherPVPStats" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] PVP stats | Kills: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Deaths: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], KDR: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], HS%: [[b]]{4}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="OtherPVEStats" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] PVE stats | Zombies: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Mega Zombies: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], Animals: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], Resources: [[b]]{4}[[/b]], Harvests: [[b]]{5}[[/b]], Fish: [[b]]{6}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="PlaytimeCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
  <Translation Id="YourPlaytime" Value="You have played for [[b]]{0}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="OtherPlaytime" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] has played for [[b]]{1}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="RankCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
  <Translation Id="YourPlayerPVPRanking" Value="Your rank is [[b]]#{0}[[/b]] with {1} kills" />
  <Translation Id="OtherPlayerPVPRanking" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] rank is [[b]]#{1}[[/b]] with {2} kills." />
  <Translation Id="YourPlayerPVERanking" Value="Your rank is [[b]]#{0}[[/b]] with {1} zombie kills." />
  <Translation Id="OtherPlayerPVERanking" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] rank is [[b]]#{1}[[/b]] with {2} zombie kills." />
  <Translation Id="RankingListHeaderPVP" Value="[[b]]Top {0} Players by Kills[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="RankingListItemPVP" Value="[[b]]#{0}[[/b]] [[b]]{1}[[/b]] - {2} kills" />
  <Translation Id="RankingListHeaderPVE" Value="[[b]]Top {0} Players by Zombie Kills[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="RankingListItemPVE" Value="[[b]]#{0}[[/b]] [[b]]{1}[[/b]] - {2} zombie kills" />
  <Translation Id="YouAreUnrankedPVP" Value="You are unranked because you have [[b]]{0}/{1}[[/b]] kills. " />
  <Translation Id="OtherPlayerIsUnrankedPVP" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] is unranked because they have [[b]]{1}/{2}[[/b]] kills." />
  <Translation Id="YouAreUnrankedPVE" Value="You are unranked because you have [[b]]{0}/{1}[[/b]] zombie kills. " />
  <Translation Id="OtherPlayerIsUnrankedPVE" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] is unranked because they have [[b]]{1}/{2}[[/b]] zombie kills." />
  <Translation Id="NoRankingPlayersFound" Value="There isn't any players qualified for ranking yet." />
  <Translation Id="StatsUIEffectDisabled" Value="Stats UI is not enabled on this server." />
  <Translation Id="StatsUIDisabled" Value="Stats UI has been disabled" />
  <Translation Id="StatsUIEnabled" Value="Stats UI has been enabled" />
  <Translation Id="RewardReceivedPVP" Value="You received [[b]]{0}[[/b]] reward for {1} kills." />
  <Translation Id="RewardReceivedPVE" Value="You received [[b]]{0}[[/b]] reward for {1} zombie kills." />
  <Translation Id="YourPVPSessionStats" Value="[[b]]Your[[/b]] PVP session stats | Kills: [[b]]{0}[[/b]], Deaths: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], KDR: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], HS%: [[b]]{3}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="OtherPVPSessionStats" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] PVP session stats | Kills: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Deaths: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], KDR: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], HS%: [[b]]{4}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="YourPVESessionStats" Value="[[b]]Your[[/b]] PVE session stats | Zombies: [[b]]{0}[[/b]], Mega Zombies: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Animals: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], Resources: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], Harvests: [[b]]{4}[[/b]], Fish: [[b]]{5}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="OtherPVESessionStats" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] PVE session stats | Zombies: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Mega Zombies: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], Animals: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], Resources: [[b]]{4}[[/b]], Harvests: [[b]]{5}[[/b]], Fish: [[b]]{6}[[/b]]" />
  <Translation Id="SessionStatsCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
  <Translation Id="SessionPlaytimeCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
  <Translation Id="YourSessionPlaytime" Value="You have played for [[b]]{0}[[/b]] since you joined." />
  <Translation Id="OtherSessionPlaytime" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] has played for [[b]]{1}[[/b]] since they joined." />
  <Translation Id="JoinMessage" Value="[[b]][#{0}] {1}[[/b]] joined the server." />
  <Translation Id="LeaveMessage" Value="[[b]][#{0}] {1}[[/b]] left the server." />
  <Translation Id="JoinMessageNoRank" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] joined the server." />
  <Translation Id="LeaveMessageNoRank" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] left the server." />
  <Translation Id="Day" Value="1 day" />
  <Translation Id="Days" Value="{0} days" />
  <Translation Id="Hour" Value="1 hour" />
  <Translation Id="Hours" Value="{0} hours" />
  <Translation Id="Minute" Value="1 minute" />
  <Translation Id="Minutes" Value="{0} minutes" />
  <Translation Id="Second" Value="1 second" />
  <Translation Id="Seconds" Value="{0} seconds" />
  <Translation Id="Zero" Value="a moment" />
  <Translation Id="UI_NextReward" Value="Next Reward: {0}" />
  <Translation Id="UI_RewardProgress" Value="{0}/{1} Kills" />
  <Translation Id="UI_Kills" Value="KILLS" />
  <Translation Id="UI_Deaths" Value="DEATHS" />
  <Translation Id="UI_Headshots" Value="HS" />
  <Translation Id="UI_Accuracy" Value="HS%" />
  <Translation Id="UI_Rank" Value="RANK" />
  <Translation Id="UI_KDR" Value="K/D" />
  <Translation Id="UI_Footer" Value="Use /statsui to hide" />
  <Translation Id="UI_RewardProgressPVE" Value="{0}/{1} Zombies" />
  <Translation Id="UI_ZombieKills" Value="ZOMBIES" />
  <Translation Id="UI_MegaZombieKills" Value="MEGAS" />
  <Translation Id="UI_AnimalKills" Value="ANIMALS" />
  <Translation Id="UI_ResourcesGathered" Value="GATHERS" />
  <Translation Id="UI_PVEDeaths" Value="DEATHS" />