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Plugin based on Rust Recycler, which allows you to recycle items into other items.
- Gurk for idea and testing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RecyclerConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Recycler Name="Maple Crate" StorageId="366">
<InputItem Id="363" Name="Maplestrike" Amount="1" />
<OutputItem Id="67" Name="Metal Scrap" Amount="3" />
<OutputItem Id="285" Name="Metal Bar" Amount="2" />
<InputItem Id="1021" Name="Avenger" Amount="1" />
<OutputItem Id="67" Name="Metal Scrap" Amount="2" />
<OutputItem Id="285" Name="Metal Bar" Amount="1" />
<InputItem Id="6" Name="Military Magazine" Amount="1" Stackable="true" />
<OutputItem Id="43" Name="Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate" Amount="1" Stackable="true" />
<InputItem Id="17" Name="Military Drum" Amount="1" Stackable="true" />
<OutputItem Id="43" Name="Low Caliber Military Ammunition Crate" Amount="1" Stackable="true" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Translation Id="recycled" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] was recycled!" />
<Translation Id="not_recyclable" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] is not recyclable." />
<Translation Id="recycle_cancelled" Value="Recycling of [[b]]{0}[[/b]] was cancelled." />