Unturned Rocket Permissions Template

Unturned Server Hosting #6

MCrow • 5 months ago

Hello, in this article I share a template of Permissions.config.xml for Rocket in Unturned. This template includes Admin, Moderator and VIP ranks and some basic permissions.
The permissions configured in this template do not require any plugins. You can use them with the default RocketMod installation.

How to use it?

  1. Copy the template below.
  2. Go to your server's Rocket/Permissions.config.xml file.
  3. Replace the content with the template.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Restart your server or reload the permissions with the p reload command.

You can find detailed explanation of the template below the code.

The Template

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RocketPermissions xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
      <Prefix />
      <Suffix />
      <Members />
        <Permission Cooldown="0">p</Permission>
        <Permission Cooldown="0">home</Permission>        
      <Prefix>[Admin] </Prefix>
      <Suffix />
        <Permission Cooldown="0">admin</Permission>
      <Prefix>[Moderator] </Prefix>
      <Suffix />
        <Permission Cooldown="0">ban</Permission>
        <Permission Cooldown="0">unban</Permission>
        <Permission Cooldown="0">kick</Permission>
        <Permission Cooldown="0">spy</Permission>
        <Permission Cooldown="0">slay</Permission>
      <Prefix>[VIP] </Prefix>
      <Suffix />
        <Permission Cooldown="3600">airdrop</Permission>


Default Group

The default group has white color in chat and only two commands: p and home.

guest chat

P Command

/p command is to let them check the list of their permissions and commands.

Home Command

/home is to let them teleport to their home.

VIP Group

The VIP group has yellow color in chat and only one command: airdrop.

vip chat

Airdrop Command

/airdrop is to let them call an airdrop. It has a cooldown of 1 hour (3600 seconds). I think airdrop command is a good, not overpowered command for VIPs, because it has long cooldown and airdrop is dropped in random location on the map, which allows other players to get the loot.

Moderator Group

The moderator group has green color in chat and five commands: ban, unban, kick, spy and slay.

moderator chat

Ban Command

/ban is used to ban a player from the server.
Usage: /ban <player> [reason] [seconds]
Example: /ban MCrow "Testing the ban command" 3600 will ban me for 1 hour.

ban command

Remember to use the quotation marks for the reason if it has more than one word.

Unban Command

/unban is used to unban a player from the server. You must use the Steam ID of the player.
Usage: /unban <steamID>
Example: /unban 76561198285897058 will unban me.

unban command

Kick Command

/kick is used to kick a player from the server.
Usage: /kick <player> [reason]
Example: /kick MCrow "Testing the kick command" will kick me.

kick command

Spy Command

/spy is used to take a screenshot of a player's screen. You will see it when you press ESC in the game.
Usage: /spy <player>
Example: /spy MCrow will let you see my chat messages.

spy command

Sly Command

/slay is used to kill and permanently ban a player. Useful to ban cheaters.
Usage: /slay <player> [reason].
Example: /slay MCrow "Testing the slay command" will kill me and ban me permanently.

slay command

You can as well use the Steam ID of the player instead of their name to ban them when they are not on the server. For example: /unban 76561198285897058 "Glitch Base"

Admin Group

The admin group has cyan color in chat and only one command: admin. They have all the permissions of the moderator group including ban, unban, kick, spy and slay.

admin chat

However if they want to have permission to every command on the server like tp, vanish, god and more, they have to use the admin command to give themselves blue hammer. With blue hammer, they can use every command on the server.
Then if they want to go off duty, they can use the unadmin command to remove the blue hammer.

Player Without Blue Hammer

player without blue hammer

Player With Blue Hammer

player with blue hammer


This template is a good starting point for your server. You can modify it according to your needs. You can add more groups, change the permissions, colors, prefixes and suffixes.

I hope you have learned something new and thank you for reading 😃