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Kits plugin with MySQL integration.
- MySQL integration.
- Create kits with specified cooldown, experience, vehicleId, and price.
- Delete existing kits by name.
- Retrieve information about available kits, group kits, and personal kits.
- Use kits with cooldowns and global cooldowns.
- Reload kits from the database using a command.
- Give kits to other players.
- Set up kit prices and cooldowns with configurable formatting.
- Buy kits with in-game credits via Uconomy integration.
- Utilize MySQL integration for persistent kit data.
option to display list of kits (/kits) with and without cooldown in two separate messages.
- /kit <name> - Uses the specified kit.
- /kits - Displays a list of kits player has permission to use.
- /kits <permission group> - Displays a list of kits the specified permission group has access to.
- /reloadkits - Reloads the kits from the database.
- /updatekit <name> - Update the items content of the specified kit.
- /createkit <name> <cooldown> [experience] [vehicle id] [price] - Creates a kit with the specified parameters and items from inventory.
- /deletekit <name> - Deletes the kit with the specified name.
- givekit - grants player a permission to give his kits to other players.
- The rest of permissions are the same as the command names.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<MySQLKitsConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<ConnectionString>Server=;Database=unturned;User Id=root;Password=password;</ConnectionString>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Translation Id="CreateKitInvalid" Value="Usage: /ckit <name> <cooldown> [experience] [vehicleId] [price]" />
<Translation Id="KitAlreadyExists" Value="Kit {0} already exists!" />
<Translation Id="CreateKitSuccess" Value="Successfully created kit {0} cooldown {1}s with {2} items!" />
<Translation Id="DeleteKitInvalid" Value="Usage: /deletekit <name>" />
<Translation Id="KitNotFound" Value="Kit {0} not found" />
<Translation Id="DeleteKitSuccess" Value="Successfully deleted kit {0} ID {1}" />
<Translation Id="KitInvalid" Value="You have to specify kit name!" />
<Translation Id="KitNoPermission" Value="You don't have permission to use this kit!" />
<Translation Id="KitCooldown" Value="You have to wait {0}s to use this kit again!" />
<Translation Id="KitSuccess" Value="You received kit {0}!" />
<Translation Id="NoKits" Value="You don't have any kits" />
<Translation Id="YourKits" Value="Your kits: {0}" />
<Translation Id="GroupKits" Value="{0} kits: {1}" />
<Translation Id="ReloadKitsSuccess" Value="Successfully reloaded {0} kits!" />
<Translation Id="KitCooldownExpired" Value="Cooldown for kit {0} expired!" />
<Translation Id="UpdateKitInvalid" Value="To update kits items use: /ukit <name>" />
<Translation Id="UpdateKitSuccess" Value="Successfully updated kit {0} items. Now have {1}!" />
<Translation Id="KitGlobalCooldown" Value="You have {0}s of global cooldown left!" />
<Translation Id="KitNotEnoughMoney" Value="You don't have {0} credits to buy this kit!" />
<Translation Id="PlayerNotFound" Value="Player not found" />
<Translation Id="GiveKitSuccess" Value="Successfully given kit {0} to {1}!" />
<Translation Id="GiveKitReceived" Value="You have received kit {0} from {1}!" />
<Translation Id="GiveKitNoPermission" Value="You do not have permission to give a kit to other player" />
<Translation Id="KitsPriceString" Value="[${0}]" />
<Translation Id="KitsCooldownString" Value="[{0}s]" />
<Translation Id="KitBuySuccess" Value="You bought and received kit {0} for {1} credits!" />
<Translation Id="YourNormalKits" Value="Available kits: {0}" />
<Translation Id="YourCooldownKits" Value="Kits with cooldown: {0}" />