Sell Door
Simple apartment and house plugin for roleplay servers.
- Players can buy and sell their doors
- Admins have to configure the doors to be sellable (
permission) - The doors can be linked to barricades/structures
- The doors data is saved in a
file located in plugin's directory - The plugin supports UI for buying and selling doors
- You can limit the number of doors a player can own
- Ewad the Sauce God for sharing his custom UI
- battletom1233 for sponsoring the addition of the UI to the plugin
Workshop (optional)
Sell Door UI - 3239968404
- /selldoor <price> – Puts the door on sale
- /costdoor – Displays the price of the door
- /buydoor – Buys the door you look at
- /checkdoor – Displays a door ID, price and owner
- /deletedoor – Deletes the door
- /linkdoor <id> - Links a barricade/structure to specified door id
- /unlinkdoor - Unlinks a barricade/structure from the door
<!-- Player Commands -->
<Permission Cooldown="0">selldoor</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">costdoor</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">buydoor</Permission>
<!-- Admin Commands -->
<Permission Cooldown="0">selldoor.admin</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">checkdoor</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">deletedoor</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">linkdoor</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">unlinkdoor</Permission>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SellDoorConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Translation Id="DoorNotLooking" Value="You are not looking at any door" />
<Translation Id="DoorNotForSale" Value="This door is not on sale" />
<Translation Id="SellDoorFormat" Value="Use: /selldoor <price>" />
<Translation Id="SellDoorWrongPrice" Value="{0} is not a valid price" />
<Translation Id="SellDoorSuccess" Value="Successfully put door #{0} on sale for ${1}" />
<Translation Id="DoorNotOwner" Value="You are not an owner of that door" />
<Translation Id="CostDoorPrice" Value="You can buy this door for ${0}" />
<Translation Id="BuyDoorSuccess" Value="You successfully bought this door for ${0}" />
<Translation Id="BuyDoorCantAfford" Value="You can't afford to buy this door. It costs: ${0}" />
<Translation Id="BuyDoorLimit" Value="You can't own more than {0} doors!" />
<Translation Id="DoorAlreadyOnSale" Value="This door is already on sale" />
<Translation Id="DoorItemNotLooking" Value="You are not looking at any barricade or structure" />
<Translation Id="LinkDoorFormat" Value="Use: /linkdoor <doorId>" />
<Translation Id="WrongDoorId" Value="{0} is not a valid doorId" />
<Translation Id="DoorNotFound" Value="Door with Id {0} was not found" />
<Translation Id="DoorItemNotOwner" Value="You are not an owner of this {0}" />
<Translation Id="LinkDoorSuccess" Value="Successfully linked {0} with door #{1}" />
<Translation Id="CheckDoorSuccess" Value="This is door #{0} for {1} owned by {2}" />
<Translation Id="DoorItemAlready" Value="This {0} is already linked to door" />
<Translation Id="NotDoorItem" Value="This {0} is not linked to any door" />
<Translation Id="UnlinkDoorSuccess" Value="Successfully unlinked {0} with door #{1}" />
<Translation Id="SellDoorNoPermission" Value="You don't have permission to add a new door on sale" />
<Translation Id="DeleteDoorSucccess" Value="Successfully deleted door #{0} with {1} items" />
<Translation Id="SignPropertyOwner" Value="Property owned by {0}" />
<Translation Id="SignForSale" Value="For sale for ${0}" />
<Translation Id="SignNotForSale" Value="Not for sale" />
<Translation Id="UI_Title" Value="Door #{0}" />
<Translation Id="UI_Owner_Key" Value="Owner" />
<Translation Id="UI_Price_Key" Value="Price" />
<Translation Id="UI_BuyButton_Text" Value="Buy Property" />
<Translation Id="UI_SellButton_Text" Value="Abandon Property" />
<Translation Id="UI_Owner_Value_You" Value="You" />
<Translation Id="UI_Owner_Value_Unkown" Value="Dusk Property Group" />
<Translation Id="UI_Price_Value_NotForSale" Value="Not for sale" />
<Translation Id="UI_Price_Value" Value="${0}" />