5 x 2 (10)
Inventory Size
Hand Slot
0.83 RPS
Durability Loss per Shot
Movement Speed
-12 to 12 (63%)
Recoil X
12 to 16 (63%)
Recoil Y
Combat Damage
Head | Spine | Leg | Arm | |
Player | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Zombie | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Animal | 0 | 0 | 0 | - |
Structure Damage
Low Caliber
Damage | |
Barricade | 0 |
Structure | 0 |
Vehicle | 0 |
Resource | 0 |
Object | 0 |
Spawn Id | Spawn Name | Items |
51151 | Airdrop big | 58 |
51142 | Deadzone mega | 89 |
51395 | Midnight loot a | 54 |
51396 | Midnight loot b | 77 |
GUID 1377acfe277e462dbc52dd2758531ded
Type Gun
Rarity Legendary
Useable Gun
Slot Primary
ID 52391
Size_X 5
Size_Y 2
Size_Z 0.45
Size2_Z 0.7
Instantiated_Item_Name_Override Item
EquipableModelParent SpineHook
Sight 52463
Magazine 51323
Tactical 1008
Ammo_Min 1
Ammo_Max 1
Range_Rangefinder 500
// Auto
// Ammo_Per_Shot 0
Caliber 29
// Firerate 0
// :]
Firerate 50
Remove 0
Replace 0
Action Rocket
Player_Damage 125
Zombie_Damage 200
Animal_Damage 200
Barricade_Damage 0
Structure_Damage 0
Vehicle_Damage 0
Resource_Damage 0
Object_Damage 0
// Barricade_Damage 300
// Structure_Damage 300
// Vehicle_Damage 2000
// Resource_Damage 2000
// Object_Damage 1000
Range 16
Explosion 51103
Projectile_Lifespan 60
Aim_In_Duration 0.3
Durability 0
Quality_Min 100
Quality_Max 100
Spread_Aim 0.05
Spread_Hip 0.1
Ballistic_Force 3000
Recoil_Min_X -12
Recoil_Min_Y 12
Recoil_Max_X 12
Recoil_Max_Y 16
Recover_X 0.625
Recover_Y 0.625
Shake_Min_X -0.0025
Shake_Min_Y 0.0025
Shake_Min_Z -0.01
Shake_Max_X 0.0025
Shake_Max_Y -0.0025
Shake_Max_Z -0.02
EquipablePrefab Items/Weapons/Guns/Hades/Equipable.prefab
Blueprints 2
Blueprint_0_Type Tool
Blueprint_0_Supplies 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 52391
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Outputs 2
// Manual Parts
Blueprint_0_Output_0_ID 51035
Blueprint_0_Output_0_Amount 3
// Metal Scrap
Blueprint_0_Output_1_ID 51017
Blueprint_0_Output_1_Amount 4
Blueprint_0_Build 27
Blueprint_1_Type Repair
Blueprint_1_Searchable False
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID 51035
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_Amount 3
Blueprint_1_Build 27
Shoot_Quest_Rewards 1
Shoot_Quest_Reward_0_Type Rewards_List_Asset
Shoot_Quest_Reward_0_GUID ae7724167039492fb3bd8aeef222fcfa