An all-in-one complete economy, shop and money rewards plugin.
- Complete asynchronization - Every database call is made asynchronously outside of the game thread
- Logs and statistics - Every pay, buy or sell transaction can be logged and saved in the database
- Migration from Uconomy and ZaupShop - Migrate all data with two commands
- Money rewards - Let players earn credits for doing different activities and playtime
- UconomyToAdvancedEconomy plugin - All plugins that depend on or use Uconomy will work with AdvancedEconomy
Player Commands
- /balance - Shows your economy balance
- /balance <player> - Shows the economy balance of the player
- /pay <player> <amount> - Sends specified amount of credits to the player
- /cost <item> - Shows the buy and sell price of the specified item
- /cost <item> <amount> - Shows the buy and sell price for the specified amount of item
- /costv <vehicle> - Shows the buy and sell price of the specified vehicle
- /buy <item> - Buys the specified item
- /buy <item> <amount> - Buys the specified amount of item
- /buyv <vehicle> - Buys the specified vehicle
- /sell <item> - Sells the specified item
- /sell <item> <amount> - Sells the specified amount of items
- /sellv - Sells a vehicle player is sitting in
- /sellbox - Opens a sellbox storage
Console Commmands
- /uploaditemshop - Uploads all items from the server to ItemShop table in database
- /uploadvehicleshop - Uploads all vehicles from the server to VehicleShop table in database
- /migrateuconomy <UconomyTableName> - Migrates Uconomy database table data into AdvancedEconomy
- /migratezaupshop <ItemShopTableName> <VehicleShopTableName> - Migrates Zaupshop database table data into AdvancedEconomy
- /balance, /bal
- /buy, /b
- /buyvehicle, /buyv, /bv
- /costvehicle, /costv
- /sell, /s
- /sellvehicle, /sellv, /sv
<Permission Cooldown="0">balance</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">bal</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">buy</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">b</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">buyvehicle</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">buyv</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">bv</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">cost</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">costvehicle</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">costv</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">pay</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">sellbox</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">sell</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">s</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">sellvehicle</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">sellv</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">sv</Permission>
- KILLS_ZOMBIES_NORMAL - When player kills normal zombie
- KILLS_PLAYERS - When player kills other player
- FOUND_ITEMS - When player finds server spawned item
- FOUND_RESOURCES - When player cuts down a tree, mines metal etc.
- KILLS_ZOMBIES_MEGA - When player kills mega zombie
- DEATHS_PLAYERS - When player dies
- KILLS_ANIMALS - When player kills an animal
- FOUND_CRAFTS - When player crafts an item
- FOUND_FISHES - When player catches a fish
- FOUND_PLANTS - When player pickups a plant, berries for example
- ARENA_WINS - When player wins arena game
- FOUND_BUILDABLES - When player builds a barricade or structure
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AdvancedEconomyConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<ConnectionString>Server=;Database=Zombiesia;User Id=root;Password=password;</ConnectionString>
<TimeReward GroupId="default" Salary="150" />
<TimeReward GroupId="star" Salary="500" />
<TimeReward GroupId="vip" Salary="300" />
<Message>+{0} credits for killing a zombie</Message>
<Message>+{0} credits for killing a mega zombie</Message>
<Message />
<Message />
<Message>+{0} credits for killing a player</Message>
<Message>{0} credits for dying</Message>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Translation Id="TargetPlayerNotFound" Value="Player {0} not found" />
<Translation Id="BalanceOtherNoPermission" Value="You don't have permission to check other players balance" />
<Translation Id="BalanceConsole" Value="Console can only check balance of a player. Use /balance <player>" />
<Translation Id="OtherBalance" Value="{0} balance: {1} credits" />
<Translation Id="YourBalance" Value="Your balance: {0} credits" />
<Translation Id="PayInvalid" Value="Invalid usage, use: /pay <player> <amount>" />
<Translation Id="PayBalanceNotEnough" Value="You can't pay {0} credits because you have {1} credits" />
<Translation Id="PaySuccess" Value="You successfully paid {0} {1} credits!" />
<Translation Id="PayReceived" Value="You received {0} credits from {1}!" />
<Translation Id="ConsoleIncreaseBalance" Value="Successfully added {0} credits to {1} balance!" />
<Translation Id="ConsoleIncreaseYourBalance" Value="{0} credits were added to your balance!" />
<Translation Id="ItemNotFound" Value="Failed to find {0} item" />
<Translation Id="ItemMaxAmount" Value="You cannot buy more than {0} items at once" />
<Translation Id="VehicleNotFound" Value="Failed to find {0} vehicle" />
<Translation Id="ItemNotForSale" Value="{0} is not for sale" />
<Translation Id="VehicleNotForSale" Value="{0} is not for sale" />
<Translation Id="ItemCantAfford" Value="You can't afford buying x{0} {1}. It costs {2} credits" />
<Translation Id="VehicleCantAfford" Value="You can't afford buying {0}. It costs {1} credits" />
<Translation Id="BuyItemSuccess" Value="You successfully bought {0} {1} for {2} credits!" />
<Translation Id="BuyVehicleSuccess" Value="You successfully bought {0} for {1} credits!" />
<Translation Id="ItemNotAvailable" Value="{0} is not available in the shop" />
<Translation Id="VehicleNotAvailable" Value="{0} is not available in the shop" />
<Translation Id="CostItem" Value="You can buy x{0} {1} for {2} credits or sell for {3} credits" />
<Translation Id="CostItemBuy" Value="You can buy x{0} {1} for {2} credits. You can't sell it" />
<Translation Id="CostItemSell" Value="You can sell x{0} {1} for {2} credits. You can't buy it" />
<Translation Id="CostVehicle" Value="You can buy {0} for {1} credits or sell for {2} credits" />
<Translation Id="CostVehicleBuy" Value="You can buy {0} for {1} credits. You can't sell it" />
<Translation Id="CostVehicleSell" Value="You can sell {0} for {1} credits. You can't buy it" />
<Translation Id="CostItemInvalid" Value="Invalid usage, use: /cost <name/id>" />
<Translation Id="CostVehicleInvalid" Value="Invalid usage, sit in the vehicle or use: /costv <name/id>" />
<Translation Id="SellItemDontHave" Value="You don't have x{0} {1} in your inventory" />
<Translation Id="SellItemSuccess" Value="Successfully sold x{0} {1} for {2} credits!" />
<Translation Id="ItemNotBuying" Value="Server is not buying {0}" />
<Translation Id="TimeReward" Value="You received {0} credits for playing!" />
<Translation Id="SellInvalid" Value="Invalid usage, use /sell <name/id> [amount]" />
<Translation Id="BuyVehicleInvalid" Value="Invalid usage, use /buyv <name/id>" />
<Translation Id="BuyInvalid" Value="Invalid usage, use /buy <name/id> [amount]" />
<Translation Id="PayCantYourself" Value="You can't pay yourself" />
<Translation Id="NotInVehicle" Value="Enter a vehicle you want to sell" />
<Translation Id="NotVehicleDriver" Value="You have to sit in the driver's seat to sell a vehicle" />
<Translation Id="VehicleNotBuying" Value="Server is not buying {0}" />
<Translation Id="SellVehicleSuccess" Value="Successfully sold {0} for {1} credits!" />
<Translation Id="SellboxReturn" Value="Returned {0} items from sellbox that could not be sold" />
<Translation Id="SellboxSuccess" Value="Successfully sold x{0} items from sellbox for {1} credits!" />
<Translation Id="YouAreNotHoldingAnyGun" Value="You are not holding any gun" />
<Translation Id="GunHasNoMagazineID" Value="The gun you are holding does not have a magazine" />