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Discord Reports
Let your players report other players and send a report to discord with a spy image of the reported player.
- Allows your users to report other users with a simple command
- Optionally send a spy image of the reported player to discord. You will need an api key
- Message all the online staff that a player has been reported so they can start watching him
- Send the spy message to multiple webhooks not only one
- All the code runs on the thread pool so there is minimal impact on the performance of the server
Feli for originally creating this plugin
- /report <player> <reason> - Reports a player for a specific reason
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DiscordReportsConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<DiscordWebhook url="" color="FF3933" enabled="false" />
<DiscordWebhook url="" color="46FF33" enabled="false" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Translation Id="ReportCommand:Cooldown" Value="You are on cooldown. You must wait {0} seconds to report a player again" />
<Translation Id="ReportCommand:Usage" Value="Correct command usage: /report <playerName> <reason>" />
<Translation Id="ReportCommand:NotFound" Value="Failed to find a player called: {0} !" />
<Translation Id="ReportCommand:Reporting" Value="Reporting {0} this might take some seconds..." />
<Translation Id="ReportCommand:Success" Value="Sucessfully reported {0} !" />
<Translation Id="ReportCommand:StaffNotification" Value="{0} has just reported {1} for {2} !" />
<Translation Id="ReportCommand:Error" Value="There was an error while running the command. Please contact an admin" />