This item is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID f13d2f6e5fb44ff5ab2f7a64fb300b68
Type Fisher
Useable Fisher
ID 36036
Size_X 3
Size_Z 0.25
Reward_ID 36090
Blueprints 2
Blueprint_0_Type Tool
Blueprint_0_Supplies 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 36016
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount 2
Blueprint_0_Build 27
Blueprint_1_Type Tool
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID 36036
Blueprint_1_Build 27
Blueprint_1_Outputs 1
Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID 36016
Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount 2
Actions 2
Action_0_Type Blueprint
Action_0_Source 36037
Action_0_Blueprints 1
Action_0_Blueprint_0_Index 0
Action_0_Text ▲Upgrade
Action_0_Tooltip ▲Upgrade fishing rod
Action_1_Type Blueprint
Action_1_Source 36036
Action_1_Blueprints 1
Action_1_Blueprint_0_Index 0
Action_1_Key Salvage