1 x 1 (1)
Inventory Size
Hand Slot
Auto, Safety
20.84 RPS
Durability Loss per Shot
Movement Speed
0 to 0 (0%)
Recoil X
0.3 to 0.8 (0%)
Recoil Y
Combat Damage
Head | Spine | Leg | Arm | |
Player | 57 | 30 | 15 | 15 |
Zombie | 650 | 300 | 150 | 150 |
Animal | 550 | 400 | 300 | - |
Structure Damage
Low Caliber
Damage | |
Barricade | 25 |
Structure | 25 |
Vehicle | 1,000 |
Resource | 25 |
Object | 35 |
This item doesn't have any blueprints
This item is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID 7862aae7606d488686d58b9e986c7e61
Type Gun
Rarity Mythical
Useable Gun
Slot Tertiary
ID 10591
Size_X 1
Size_Y 1
Size_Z 0.3
Size2_Z 0.725
Magazine 10570
Ammo_Min 1
Ammo_Max 1
Should_Drop_On_Death False
Infinite_Ammo True
Caliber 10569
Equipable_Movement_Speed_Multiplier 5
Range 250
Firerate 2
Replace 0.625
Action Minigun
Player_Damage 38
Player_Leg_Multiplier 0.4
Player_Arm_Multiplier 0.4
Player_Spine_Multiplier 0.8
Player_Skull_Multiplier 1.5
Zombie_Damage 500
Zombie_Leg_Multiplier 0.3
Zombie_Arm_Multiplier 0.3
Zombie_Spine_Multiplier 0.6
Zombie_Skull_Multiplier 1.3
Animal_Damage 500
Animal_Leg_Multiplier 0.6
Animal_Spine_Multiplier 0.8
Animal_Skull_Multiplier 1.1
Barricade_Damage 25
Structure_Damage 25
Vehicle_Damage 1000
Resource_Damage 25
Object_Damage 35
Can_Aim_During_Sprint True
Durability 0.001
Aim_In_Duration 0.6
Spread_Aim 0.175
Spread_Hip 0.25
Recoil_Min_Y 0.3
Recoil_Max_Y 0.8
Shake_Min_X -0.01
Shake_Min_Y 0.01
Shake_Min_Z -0.025
Shake_Max_X 0.01
Shake_Max_Y -0.01
Shake_Max_Z -0.05
BladeIDs 2
BladeID_0 0
BladeID_1 2
Player_Damage_Bleeding Always
Recoil_Crouch 0.8
Recoil_Prone 0.8
Gunshot_Rolloff_Distance 350
Muzzle 19001
Quality_Min 5
Quality_Max 15
Shell 19005