50 KPH (31 MPH)
Forward Speed
54 KPH (34 MPH)
Reverse Speed
3,600 HP
64 (8 x 8)
Trunk Storage
13,500 L
Fuel Capacity
6.40 L/s
Burn Rate
35 minutes, 9 seconds
Work Time
This vehicle is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID 1856c2d8a12d4df3b56ccfe9695c5f56
Type Vehicle
Rarity Legendary
ID 19028
Has_Clip_Prefab False
Speed_Min -12
Speed_Max 11
Steer_Min 24
Steer_Max 28
Brake 30
Fuel_Min 200
Fuel_Max 400
Fuel 13500
Health_Min 1800
Health_Max 2000
Health 3600
Exit 3.5
Cam_Follow_Distance 12
Passenger_Explosion_Armor 0.3
Trunk_Storage_X 8
Trunk_Storage_Y 8
Default_Battery a9c5e916c29646fdba9d08f6a7ce02b6
Battery_Burn_Rate 4
Battery_Charge_Rate 2
BatteryMode_Headlights Burn
BatteryMode_Sirens Burn
BatteryMode_Driving Charging
BatteryMode_Empty None
Explosion 19021
Physics_Profile ebde057f736643939508474c9f42caca
Bumper_Multiplier 15
Drops_Table_ID 10600
Drops_Min 12
Drops_Max 15
Melee_Damage_Multiplier 0.2
Fuel_Burn_Rate 6.4
Valid_Speed_Horizontal 200
Turrets 3
Turret_0_Seat_Index 0
Turret_0_Item_ID 19145
Turret_0_Yaw_Min 0
Turret_0_Yaw_Max 0
Turret_0_Pitch_Min 90
Turret_0_Pitch_Max 90
Turret_1_Seat_Index 1
Turret_1_Item_ID 19105
Turret_1_Yaw_Min -45
Turret_1_Yaw_Max 45
Turret_1_Pitch_Min 60
Turret_1_Pitch_Max 105
Turret_2_Seat_Index 2
Turret_2_Item_ID 19134
Turret_2_Yaw_Min -60
Turret_2_Yaw_Max 60
Turret_2_Pitch_Min 65
Turret_2_Pitch_Max 100
"#827868" // Desert
"#5b5b3f" // Forest
Path Model_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Model_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Model_2
MaterialIndex 0
Path Turrets/Turret_1/Yaw/Pitch/Model_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Turrets/Turret_2/Yaw/Model_5
MaterialIndex 0
Path Turrets/Turret_2/Yaw/Model_6
MaterialIndex 0
Path Turrets/Turret_2/Yaw/Pitch/Model_3
MaterialIndex 0
Path Turrets/Turret_2/Yaw/Pitch/Model_4
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_0/M11_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_0/M11_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_1/M11_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_1/M11_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_2/M11_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_2/M11_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_3/M11_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_3/M11_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_4/M11_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_4/M11_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_5/M11_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Susp_5/M11_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_16/Model_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_16/Model_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_17/Model_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_17/Model_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_18/Model_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_18/Model_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_19/Model_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_19/Model_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_20/Model_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_20/Model_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_21/Model_0
MaterialIndex 0
Path Wheels/Wheel_21/Model_1
MaterialIndex 0
Path Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Model_2
AllMaterials true
Path Truck_0/Truck_Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Truck_1/Truck_Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Turrets/Turret_1/Yaw/Pitch/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Turrets/Turret_2/Yaw/Model_5
AllMaterials true
Path Turrets/Turret_2/Yaw/Model_6
AllMaterials true
Path Turrets/Turret_2/Yaw/Pitch/Model_3
AllMaterials true
Path Turrets/Turret_2/Yaw/Pitch/Model_4
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_0/M11_0
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_0/M11_1
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_1/M11_0
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_1/M11_1
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_2/M11_0
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_2/M11_1
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_3/M11_0
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_3/M11_1
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_4/M11_0
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_4/M11_1
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_5/M11_0
AllMaterials true
Path Susp_5/M11_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_0/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_0/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_1/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_1/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_2/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_2/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_3/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_3/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_4/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_4/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_5/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_5/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_6/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_6/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_7/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_7/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_8/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_8/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_9/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_9/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_10/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_10/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_11/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_11/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_12/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_12/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_13/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_13/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_14/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_14/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_15/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_15/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_16/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_16/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_17/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_17/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_18/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_18/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_19/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_19/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_20/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_20/Model_1
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_21/Model_0
AllMaterials true
Path Wheels/Wheel_21/Model_1
AllMaterials true