2 months ago


Barricades settings can adjust the decay time and armor of barricades, as well as restrict placement on vehicles.

Based on Official Unturned Wiki and our experience.

"Barricades": {
  "Decay_Time": 604800,
  "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,
  "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,
  "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
  "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
  "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
  "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0,
  "Allow_Item_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,
  "Allow_Trap_Placement_On_Vehicle": true,
  "Max_Item_Distance_From_Hull": 64.0,
  "Max_Trap_Distance_From_Hull": 16.0


The time in seconds it takes for a barricade to decay. The default is 604800 seconds (1 week).

Works the same way as Decay_Time of structures.

If owner of the barricade didn't join the server for a Decay_Time, the barricade will not be loaded on the next server restart. When server is loading barricades it checks if the owner was online in the last Decay_Time. If not, the barricade is not loaded and removed.


Damage multiplier for low-tier barricades such as those made from wood like plates, barbed wire and sandbags.

The lower the multiplier, the less damage the barricade will take. For example, if the multiplier is set to 0.5, the barricade will take half the damage it would normally take.

The equation of how multipliers work is:
damage = damage * multiplier


Damage multiplier for high-tier barricades. If barricade contains "Metal" in its name, it is considered high-tier.

Screenshot from Unturned code with armor tier logic


Damage multiplier for low-caliber guns. Low-caliber guns are for example: Eaglefire, Cobra, Schofield, etc.

damage = damage * Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier


Damage multiplier for high-caliber guns. High-caliber guns are for example: Timberwolf, Grizzly, Dragonfang, etc.

For example setting this to 0.75 will cause Dragonfang to deal 0.75 * 30 = 22.5 damage to barricades.


Damage multiplier for melees.

For example when someone uses a Military Knife to destroy a Bedroll, the damage will be multiplied by this value.


Repair multiplier for Blowtorch and other repair tools.

For example when someone uses a Blowtorch to repair a Metal Door, the repair will be multiplied by this value. So you can make Blowtorch faster or slower.


Should players be able to place items on vehicles? If set to false, players will not be able to place items on vehicles.


Should players be able to place traps on vehicles? If set to false, players will not be able to place traps on vehicles.

If you have disabled Allow_Item_Placement_On_Vehicle, then this setting will not have any effect, as traps are items.

You might wanna disable this setting if you don't want players to build Barbed Wire Fence on their vehicles. 💀


The maximum distance from the vehicle's hull that items can be placed. The default is 64.0 meters.

This is what it looks like on player's screen
I think 64 meters it too much lol



We all know why Nelson added these settings 😂

Unturned vibes

Video Tutorial

Learn how to wipe structures, barricades and players data on your server with this video tutorial.

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