2 months ago


Structures settings can adjust the decay time and armor of structures, as well as the damage and repair multipliers for guns and melee weapons.

Based on Official Unturned Wiki and our experience.

"Structures": {
  "Decay_Time": 604800,
  "Armor_Lowtier_Multiplier": 1.0,
  "Armor_Hightier_Multiplier": 0.5,
  "Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
  "Gun_Highcal_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
  "Melee_Damage_Multiplier": 1.0,
  "Melee_Repair_Multiplier": 1.0


The time in seconds it takes for a structure to decay. The default is 604800 seconds (1 week).

Works the same way as Decay_Time of barricades.

If owner of the structure didn't join the server for a Decay_Time, the structure will not be loaded on the next server restart. When server is loading structures it checks if the owner was online in the last Decay_Time. If not, the structure is not loaded and removed.


Damage multiplier for low-tier structures such as those made from wood like maple floor, pine wall, birch pillar, etc.

The lower the multiplier, the less damage the structure will take. For example, if the multiplier is set to 0.5, the structure will take half the damage it would normally take.

The equation of how multipliers work is:
damage = damage * multiplier


Damage multiplier for high-tier structures. If structure contains "Metal" or "Brick" in its name, it is considered high-tier.



Damage multiplier for low-caliber guns. Low-caliber guns are for example: Eaglefire, Cobra, Schofield, etc.

damage = damage * Gun_Lowcal_Damage_Multiplier


Damage multiplier for high-caliber guns. High-caliber guns are for example: Timberwolf, Grizzly, Dragonfang, etc.

For example setting this to 0.75 will cause Dragonfang to deal 0.75 * 30 = 22.5 damage to structures.


Damage multiplier for melee weapons. Melee weapons are for example: Knife, Katana, Sledgehammer, etc.

damage = damage * Melee_Damage_Multiplier


Repair multiplier for melee weapons. The lower the multiplier, the less repair the weapon will deal to structures. For example, if the multiplier is set to 0.5, the weapon will receive half the repair it would normally deal to structures.

repair = repair * Melee_Repair_Multiplier

Video Tutorial

Learn how to wipe structures, barricades and players data on your server with this video tutorial.

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