29 days ago

This is a list of player commands that Rocket adds to the game. These commands can be used in-game on the server as an admin by typing them in the chat.


The kill command is used to kill a player.

Syntax: /kill <player>

  • <player>: The name of the player to kill.

Example: /kill MCrow


The permissions command is used to display a list of all permissions.

Syntax: /p


The vanish command is used to make yourself invisible. It can be also used to disable the vanish mode.

Syntax: /vanish


The god command is used to enable or disable god mode. When god mode is enabled, you are invincible.

Syntax: /god


The heal command is used to heal a player or yourself.

Syntax: /heal [player]

  • [player]: The name of the player to heal.

Example: /heal MCrow


The tp command is used to teleport to a player.

Syntax: /tp <player>

  • <player>: The name of the player to teleport to.

Example: /tp MCrow


The tphere command is used to teleport a player to you.

Syntax: /tphere <player>

  • <player>: The name of the player to teleport to you.

Example: /tphere MCrow


The item command is used to spawn in items.

Syntax: /i <item> [amount]

  • <item>: The name or id of the item to spawn.
  • [amount]: The number of items to spawn. If not specified, the default amount is 1.

Example: /i candy 20


The vehicle command is used to spawn in vehicles.

Syntax: /v <vehicle>

  • <vehicle>: The name or id of the vehicle to spawn.

Example: /v apc

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