4 x 4 (16)
Inventory Size
1,000 HP
30,000 L
72 L/h
Burn Rate
416 hours, 40 minutes
Work Time
This item is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID 6dd26ba4953646fab682e2e985df37fc
Type Generator
Rarity Legendary
Useable Barricade
Has_Clip_Prefab False
Build Generator
ID 59522
SalvageItem 6dd26ba4953646fab682e2e985df37fc
Min_Items_Dropped_On_Destroy 1
Max_Items_Dropped_On_Destroy 1
Item_Dropped_On_Destroy 70e811659b7942598a161c635c567483
Size_X 4
Size_Y 4
Size_Z 0.56
Health 1000
Range 8
Radius 1.15
Offset 1.26
Capacity 30000
Wirerange 64.0
Burn 50
Explosion 36
Blueprints 1
Blueprint_0_Type Utilities
Blueprint_0_Supplies 4
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 59520
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount 3
Blueprint_0_Supply_1_ID 59959
Blueprint_0_Supply_1_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_2_ID 59039
Blueprint_0_Supply_2_Amount 5
Blueprint_0_Supply_3_ID 59970
Blueprint_0_Supply_3_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Tool 59376
Blueprint_0_Build 27
Blueprint_0_Conditions 1
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Type Flag_Bool
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_ID 59041
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Value True
Blueprint_0_Condition_0_Logic Equal
PlacementAudioClip Sounds/MetalPlacement.mp3
Use_Auto_Icon_Measurements False
Salvage_Duration_Multiplier 0.5
PlacementPreviewPrefab Items/Barricades/PS_Claim_Generator/Placement.prefab