This item is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID cb405f1f79c546fe9a711c6144524411
Type Magazine
Rarity Legendary
ID 51047
Explosion 51020
Size_X 1
Size_Y 1
Size_Z 0
Projectile_Damage_Multiplier .05
Projectile_Launch_Force_Multiplier .5
Range 12
Player_Damage 5
Zombie_Damage 10
Animal_Damage 10
Barricade_Damage 0
Structure_Damage 0
Vehicle_Damage 0
Resource_Damage 0
Object_Damage 0
Explosion_Launch_Speed 25
Tracer 51000
Amount 2
Calibers 1
Caliber_0 20
Blueprints 1
Blueprint_0_Type Tool
Blueprint_0_Supplies 3
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 51307
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_1_ID 51033
Blueprint_0_Supply_1_Amount 2
Blueprint_0_Supply_2_ID 51018
Blueprint_0_Supply_2_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Product 51047
Blueprint_0_Products 2
Blueprint_0_Build 27
Use_Auto_Stat_Descriptions false