3 x 2 (6)
Inventory Size
Hand Slot
Semi, Auto, Safety
13.89 RPS
Durability Loss per Shot
Movement Speed
-1.3 to 1.3 (50%)
Recoil X
3 to 4 (25%)
Recoil Y
Combat Damage
Head | Spine | Leg | Arm | |
Player | 28 | 15 | 9 | 9 |
Zombie | 144 | 66 | 33 | 33 |
Animal | 122 | 88 | 66 | - |
Structure Damage
High Caliber
Damage | |
Barricade | 15 |
Structure | 20 |
Vehicle | 5 |
Resource | 200 |
Object | 200 |
This item is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID 57209cfaf2cb40799aea8c2d095b0582
Type Gun
Rarity Legendary
Useable Gun
Slot Secondary
ID 10021
EquipAudioClip aridreborn.masterbundle:Items/Guns/Guns_Equip/Equip_LMG.ogg
Aim_In_Duration 0.22
Equipable_Movement_Speed_Multiplier 0.9
Use_Auto_Icon_Measurements False
Size_X 3
Size_Y 2
Size_Z 0.35
Unplace 0.18
Replace 0.56
Sight 19261
Magazine 10022
Ammo_Min 11
Ammo_Max 33
Attachment_Calibers 1
Attachment_Caliber_0 18901
Magazine_Calibers 1
Magazine_Caliber_0 10022
Firerate 3
Action Trigger
Player_Damage 19
Player_Leg_Multiplier 0.5
Player_Arm_Multiplier 0.5
Player_Spine_Multiplier 0.8
Player_Skull_Multiplier 1.5
Zombie_Damage 111
Zombie_Leg_Multiplier 0.3
Zombie_Arm_Multiplier 0.3
Zombie_Spine_Multiplier 0.6
Zombie_Skull_Multiplier 1.3
Animal_Damage 111
Animal_Leg_Multiplier 0.6
Animal_Spine_Multiplier 0.8
Animal_Skull_Multiplier 1.1
BladeIDs 2
BladeID_0 0
BladeID_1 2
Barricade_Damage 15
Structure_Damage 20
Vehicle_Damage 5
Resource_Damage 200
Object_Damage 200
Durability 0.09
Spread_Aim 0.1
Spread_Hip 0.05
Recoil_Min_X -1.3
Recoil_Min_Y 3
Recoil_Max_X 1.3
Recoil_Max_Y 4
Recover_X 0.5
Recover_Y 0.25
Shake_Min_X 0.002
Shake_Min_Y -0.003
Shake_Min_Z -0.0075
Shake_Max_X -0.002
Shake_Max_Y -0.004
Shake_Max_Z -0.01
Range 600
Ballistic_Steps 60
Ballistic_Travel 10
Ballistic_Drop 0.0009
Damage_Falloff_Range 0.2
Damage_Falloff_Max_Range 0.66
Damage_Falloff_Multiplier 0.6
Muzzle 19001
Shell 19018
Recoil_Crouch 0.8
Recoil_Prone 1
Spread_Prone 1
Spread_Crouch 1
Player_Damage_Bleeding Always
Quality_Min 60
Quality_Max 75
Should_Delete_Empty_Magazines true
Blueprints 2
Blueprint_0_Type Repair
Blueprint_0_Supplies 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 19659
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount 2
Blueprint_0_Build 27
Blueprint_1_Type Tool
Blueprint_1_Supplies 1
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID 10021
Blueprint_1_Outputs 2
Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID 19262
Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount 4
Blueprint_1_Output_1_ID 19028
Blueprint_1_Output_1_Amount 4
Blueprint_1_Tool 19004
Blueprint_1_Build 27
Gunshot_Rolloff_Distance 1500