6 x 3 (18)
Inventory Size
Hand Slot
8.33 RPS
Durability Loss per Shot
Movement Speed
0 to 0 (0%)
Recoil X
0 to 0 (0%)
Recoil Y
Combat Damage
Head | Spine | Leg | Arm | |
Player | 75 | 50 | 20 | 20 |
Zombie | 135 | 90 | 36 | 36 |
Animal | 135 | 90 | 54 | - |
Structure Damage
Low Caliber
Damage | |
Barricade | 5 |
Structure | 5 |
Vehicle | 25 |
Resource | 80 |
Object | 80 |
This item is not included in any spawn asset, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it doesn't spawn naturally on any of the maps.
GUID 082ee3758c5b422eb7180d7486aefc02
Type Gun
Rarity Legendary
Useable Gun
Slot Primary
ID 10821
Size_X 6
Size_Y 3
Size_Z 0.8
Magazine 10032
Ammo_Min 1
Ammo_Max 1
Bursts 2
Caliber 19507
Range 400
Ballistic_Steps 100
Ballistic_Travel 4
Ballistic_Drop 0.0001
Firerate 5
Action Trigger
Player_Damage 50
Player_Leg_Multiplier 0.4
Player_Arm_Multiplier 0.4
Player_Spine_Multiplier 1
Player_Skull_Multiplier 1.5
Zombie_Damage 90
Zombie_Leg_Multiplier 0.4
Zombie_Arm_Multiplier 0.4
Zombie_Spine_Multiplier 1
Zombie_Skull_Multiplier 1.5
Animal_Damage 90
Animal_Leg_Multiplier 0.6
Animal_Spine_Multiplier 1
Animal_Skull_Multiplier 1.5
Barricade_Damage 5
Structure_Damage 5
Vehicle_Damage 25
Resource_Damage 80
Object_Damage 80
Spread_Aim 0.05
Spread_Hip 0.1
Muzzle 19016
Can_Player_Equip False
Infinite_Ammo True
Allow_Magazine_Change False
Gunshot_Rolloff_Distance 450
Damage_Falloff_Range 0.2
Damage_Falloff_Max_Range 0.66
Damage_Falloff_Multiplier 0.6
BladeIDs 2
BladeID_0 0
BladeID_1 2
Blueprints 1
Blueprint_0_Type Tool
Blueprint_0_Supplies 5
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 10034
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_1_ID 19009
Blueprint_0_Supply_1_Amount 5
Blueprint_0_Supply_2_ID 19342
Blueprint_0_Supply_2_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_3_ID 19625
Blueprint_0_Supply_3_Amount 3
Blueprint_0_Supply_4_ID 19937
Blueprint_0_Supply_4_Amount 5
Blueprint_0_Outputs 1
Blueprint_0_Output_0_ID 10821
Blueprint_0_Output_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Tool 19376
Blueprint_0_Build 27
Use_Auto_Icon_Measurements False
Player_Damage_Bleeding Always