1 x 1 (1)
Inventory Size
Spawn Id | Spawn Name | Items |
51191 | PBS FiberglassRod | 22 |
51190 | PBS WoodenRod | 16 |
51402 | PBS T0Mats | 6 |
51409 | PBS T2Mats | 11 |
51062 | Construction mat 1 | 4 |
GUID 3f393b35dc22447b8582e6cfa9d185cf
Type Supply
ID 51028
Size_X 1
Size_Y 1
Size_Z 0.45
Blueprints 5
Blueprint_0_Type Tool
Blueprint_0_Supplies 1
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_ID 51028
Blueprint_0_Supply_0_Amount 4
Blueprint_0_Outputs 1
Blueprint_0_Output_0_ID 51006
Blueprint_0_Output_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_0_Build 27
Blueprint_1_Type Tool
Blueprint_1_Supplies 1
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_ID 51028
Blueprint_1_Supply_0_Amount 4
Blueprint_1_Outputs 1
Blueprint_1_Output_0_ID 51007
Blueprint_1_Output_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_1_Build 27
Blueprint_2_Type Tool
Blueprint_2_Supplies 1
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_ID 51028
Blueprint_2_Supply_0_Amount 4
Blueprint_2_Outputs 1
Blueprint_2_Output_0_ID 51008
Blueprint_2_Output_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_2_Build 27
Blueprint_3_Type Tool
Blueprint_3_Supplies 1
Blueprint_3_Supply_0_ID 51028
Blueprint_3_Supply_0_Amount 4
Blueprint_3_Outputs 1
Blueprint_3_Output_0_ID 51009
Blueprint_3_Output_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_3_Build 27
Blueprint_4_Type Tool
Blueprint_4_Supplies 1
Blueprint_4_Supply_0_ID 51028
Blueprint_4_Supply_0_Amount 4
Blueprint_4_Outputs 1
Blueprint_4_Output_0_ID 51010
Blueprint_4_Output_0_Amount 1
Blueprint_4_Build 27
Actions 5
Action_0_Type Blueprint
Action_0_Blueprints 1
Action_0_Blueprint_0_Index 0
Action_0_Text Stack White ▲
Action_0_Tooltip Stack 4 to a filament.
Action_1_Type Blueprint
Action_1_Blueprints 1
Action_1_Blueprint_0_Index 1
Action_1_Text Stack Red ▲
Action_1_Tooltip Stack 4 to a filament.
Action_2_Type Blueprint
Action_2_Blueprints 1
Action_2_Blueprint_0_Index 2
Action_2_Text Stack Orange ▲
Action_2_Tooltip Stack 4 to a filament.
Action_3_Type Blueprint
Action_3_Blueprints 1
Action_3_Blueprint_0_Index 3
Action_3_Text Stack Green ▲
Action_3_Tooltip Stack 4 to a filament.
Action_4_Type Blueprint
Action_4_Blueprints 1
Action_4_Blueprint_0_Index 4
Action_4_Text Stack Blue ▲
Action_4_Tooltip Stack 4 to a filament.